Winter Climbing in the Lake District is not something that very often comes into “condition”.  However when it does it has to be one of the, if not the best places for easy access ice climbing.

With the weather forecasting very low temperatures in the Lake District. This was going to be the week where every thing was going to happen.  After looking at the charts and temps there was no doubt that the rare ice I was talking about was about to happen.

So with that in mind and with James buzzing as ever to get out, we set about creating a tick list of amazing ice routes that we wished to climb.

The list was by no means ambitious and for the most part very much road side. However some of these routes had not been like this in over 10 years! Its not every often that Winter Climbing in the Lake District comes this good.

As you can imagine we were very much looking forward to getting out on to them and climbing these fantastic routes.


Whorneyside Force – Langdale

Launchy gill - Thirlmere

Sourmilk Gill – Borrowdale

Tailor force - Borrowdale

Moss force – Newlands Pass


The video in the link gives you a great snap shot of how amazing these routes were. But also what they looked like. There is no doubt that a huge amount of skill and planning is needed for days out like this as well as having a massive amount of winter skills that all led to these amazing climbs.


See video HERE 



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