Summer mountain leader course



Whether you're gearing up for your Summer Mountain Leader course, contemplating an assessment after a hiatus, or facing deferral on a specific aspect, our tailored Summer Mountain Leader refresher course is here to meet your needs.

Led by seasoned Mountaineering Instructors, our refresher course focuses on specific syllabus areas you wish to enhance. This ensures a targeted approach that optimizes your time, dedicating the day(s) to refining skills in areas that may need improvement while avoiding unnecessary emphasis on already proficient aspects.

Throughout practical, hands-on sessions, you'll encounter various scenarios, and receive guidance and assistance to strengthen skills in challenging areas. Personalized feedback will be provided, offering an honest assessment of your current standing in relation to the required standard. Additionally, our team will furnish you with a comprehensive action plan, outlining specific areas to concentrate on in preparation for the assessment.

Our expertise spans crucial aspects such as navigation (both macro and micro), poor visibility, and night navigation. We cover steep ground emergency rope work for both ascent and descent, group management and leadership, river crossings, expedition and wild camping skills, kit and equipment selection, route planning, and weather and environmental awareness, including flora, fauna, and geology.

Opt for our Summer Mountain Leader refresher course, and emerge with newfound confidence and proficiency in targeted areas, well-prepared to meet the demands of the assessment. At only £160 per day this could be the difference between passing the course and not.

Interest in knowing how guide people in the mountains ? - Check out our post on becoming a mountain leader
  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Discovery, Guided, Learning
  • Activity Level Challenging
  • Group Size Small Group

Are you getting ready for your Summer Mountain Leader course, or has it been a while since you did your summer training and you’re thinking about going for your assessment? Alternatively you been deferred on an aspect of the summer Mountain Leader assessment. Then doing a Summer Mountain Leader refresher course could be just what you need.

Our summer Mountain Leader summer refresher course is a day(s) with a Mountaineering Instructor who will focus on any areas of the syllabus that you feel you need to work and not spend time on areas that you might already be stronger at. At the end of the day(s) you will  have been given a practical, hands-on day with plenty of help and advice in as many different situations as possible that will leave you feeling much stronger in those areas you maybe did not feel as strong at.

Personally can then provide you with honest feedback on where you are in relation to the standard required. We will also provide you with a solid action plan of where you need to put your focus on the build-up to the assessment.

We can help in the following areas:

  • Navigation – macro, micro and poor visibility/night-nav
  • Steep ground emergency rope work in ascent and in descent
  • Group management and leadership
  • River crossings
  • Expedition / wild camping skills
  • Kit and equipment selection
  • Route planning
  • Weather and the environment – flora, fauna, geology

Depending on what you are hoping to cover we normally meet at 9am and it will be full day.

In short ... no not at all. We have run this course for people going on to do there training course and want to get up to speed before hand mostly this is coving the Navigation aspect of the course.

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